Our story
What is the idea behind "renatural"
A bit of context
Around 12,000 years ago human Homo-Sapiens shifted from a Hunter-Gatherer lifestyle to become an Agricultural society. In dietary terms, this led to a shift away from a varied diet, rich in nutrients, towards a diet based mostly on cereals and meat derived from domesticated animals.
Irreversible effects of this Agricultural revolution have led to much suffering among all species on our planet. For humans, there has been an exponential degrading of our food quality. Much of the food we eat today is surprisingly low in nutritional quality due to the accumulative effects of mass production and processing methods.
Our Mission
Here at renatural, without falling into the "appeal to nature fallacy", we strongly believe in the power of nature. We believe that food should not only taste delicious but should be a sustainable source of high quality nutrition. This is why we search nature’s bounty to bring you back in touch with real food.
One of the wonderful gifts which nature has been providing us with for thousands of years, and one which we would like to share with you today, is our delicious Pure Raw Honey. We have chosen Raw Honey, for its many health benefits and as a healthy replacement for refined sugars, but most importantly for the respect we have for the bees. As pollinators, bees are playing a fundamental role in every aspect of our ecosystem. They support the growth of trees, flowers and other plants which serve as food and shelter for creatures large and small. Bees are contributing to the complex, interconnected ecosystems that allow a diverse number of different species to co-exist.
How did you get here?
You are on this page, perhaps because you have the same respect for nature as we have. You have the same values as us: a great appreciation for nature and natural food. If so, we kindly invite you to browse our raw honey products and order the ones you’re curious to taste.